Lift Refurbishment/Modernisation
If the major components on your lift are becoming worn or the lift is no longer as reliable as it once was, it could possibly benefit from a scheme of refurbishment or modernisation. A new lift can be expensive and include substantial builders work. A lift refurbishment can replace the major components of a lift without the need for builders works and at the same time offer a considerable cost saving. White Lift Services can offer a bespoke modernisation scheme that can be tailored to suit any lift. Packages can include replacing worn gearbox and motors to upgrading to the latest VVF control system. We can also modernise the lift interior including new flooring, lighting and side panels.
Our workmanship is of the highest quality, see our gallery for examples of previous projects. To find out more about how we could assist with your project then give us a call, send us an email or get in touch via our contact form and we’ll be glad to help.